Today’s Reading: Romans 3:1-4:25
First of all, a confession. I haven’t been in my Bible at all for a few weeks. I have let the pressures of our building project mount up and in a time when I needed spiritual refreshing the most, I didn’t bother going to the well if you know what I mean. I value my daily time with God, and as we near the end of a very long project, I want to make sure I stop neglecting my relationship with Him.
So without further ado, back into Romans.
So much to take from these chapters…I love the first several verses of chapter 4 where Paul continues to pound on the futility of the law. Then he drops an A-bomb…Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness…are you ready?…BEFORE he was circumsized! I never picked up on that. I love God’s Word and how it all fits together. I am a child of God and an heir to the promise given to Abraham thousands of years ago. Not through the law, not through blood, but through faith.