As a team, we are in complete agreement that the authority of the Father and of His Son Christ Jesus is what we all fall under. We are grateful servants of the Lord Most High!

Pastor Curt Stackpole  
 Send Email •  (435)669-8660

“Feeling as you feel, Teaching as you need, Loving as Christ Loves!”

“It was only after God had spent many years working on my heart that I was ready and willing to risk starting a new church.  I am passionate about helping people find God, grow their faith, discover their purpose, and make a difference.  My passion is to make disciples who make disciples.  My personal motto is “living life on the water.”  (John 6:16-21)  No, I don’t reside on a boat, but the faith of Peter and those other fishermen speak to me. God has called me on many occasions to endeavors of Godly proportions. A new journey has begun that is going to require faith.”