Elijah 2 – “Which God Do You Serve?”

Wait a minute…I thought Britton Lewis was supposed to speak this week. That’s not Britton, then again, I can’t see who it is! Okay, 2 things…Britton and Brittany had a baby so Pastor Matt filled in AND our camera got knocked off of it’s view before the message so you can’t really see him that much. Still, the audio was good and the message was great so we’re posting it for you to enjoy in case you missed it!

30 Days With Jesus Challenge

Think you’re up to it? For those who may have missed the last couple of Sundays, we are issuing a challenge to read all 4 gospels in just 30 days starting today! We want to invite you all to do this with us and we’ve prepared a video to show you how to do it…

So here is the daily routine… sign up for the reading plan here.

Then once you’ve read today’s reading post that you got it done on our Facebook page here.

That’s it! Just by doing that you will encourage others who are doing it that they’re not alone. Feel free to post any thoughts you have on the reading as well!

This challenge is open to everyone…including our extended church family outside of Utah and anyone else you choose to invite! Don’t wait! Get started today! The enemy would love to give you reason to procrastinate and then choose not to participate at all so let’s show him where are our priorities really are!